
 New On-Line Registration facility for new patients

Patients wishing to join our GP Practice can now do this on-line by following the attached link or via the NHS App. This now avoids the need to complete paper forms and should make the process easier for patients and our staff. Please note we can only accept new patient applications from patients living within our Gravesend and Northfleet catchment area.


Since 2022, measles activity has been slowly increasing globally, with large outbreaks ongoing in multiple countries across South Asia and Africa. In 2023, there have been several measles outbreaks across London which causes additional risks to neighbouring areas where there is low uptake such as Kent and Medway.

Please see below links for more information:

How to stay safe during a measles outbreak - GOV.UK (

Coronavirus Notice

Do not visit the GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you suspect you have Coronavirus.



Friends and Family Test


Thank you for visiting us today.

We value your feedback and would like you to think about your experience using our services.


How likely are you to recommend our GP Practice to friends and family if they need similar care or treatment?


Extremely  Likely


Neither Likely or Unlikely


Extremely Unlikely

Don’t Know

Your response to this question will contribute to our Family & Friends Test score, which is shared with the public via NHS England



Could you please tell us the reason for the answer you have given?


I do not wish this second response to be included in any publications or reports


Equality and Diversity data (Internal Use only)

We would like to know more about you for our own analysis so we can ensure that we are helping our local population – we won’t share this information with anyone else.


Please tick the relevant boxes;





Age Group :


16 - 24

25 - 34

35 - 44

45 – 54

55 – 64

65 – 70



Thank you for your Feedback – please return this form to the Reception Desk

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