Your input regarding our services holds significant value for us. It provides insight into areas where enhancements are needed and enables us to address any shortcomings promptly. By identifying specific issues, such as timing, staff behaviours, and the quality of the services, we can implement improvements to ensure a more enjoyable and efficient experience when interacting with our practice and staff.
Moreover, your feedback allows us to recognize our strengths and replicate successful practices in areas where improvements are required. We analyse all feedback and survey data which we share with our staff to make improvements to the quality of the service which you receive going forward.
Please take a look at our latest surveys where patients have shared their experiences. Many thanks if you kindly participate in these services and if you don't an we please request you do in future as it does help us plan and prioritise our resources going forward:
Friends & Family Survey_Jan24
Friends & Family Survey_Feb24
Friends & Family Survey_Mar24
Friends & Family Survey Apr24
Friends & Family Survey May24
Friends & Family Survey Jun24
Friends & Family Survey Jul24
Friends & Family Survey Aug24
Friends & Family Survey Sept24
Friends & Family Survey Oct24
Friends & Family Survey Nov24
Friends & Family Survey Dec24
Friends & Family Survey Jan25
Friends & Family Survey Feb25
Monthly Patient Satisfaction Monitoring
National GP Surgery Survey Results 2024
National GP Surgery Survey Results_2023